Why Outsource
There are a number of great reasons why you should outsource your Factory or Plant Cleaning to a specialised expert.
If you are reading this, it is likely that you have already identified a need to review your current cleaning systems. Making the decision to outsource a major part of your operations is understandably a large one.
With Biogiene, our proven track record and reputation are indisputable. All our audits and proposals are based on actual figures and come from evidenced reporting and practices.
We would love the opportunity to review your current cleaning solution and make any recommendations that will improve efficiency and save you money.
Why choose BioGiene
BioGiene provides a specialised Food Processing facility cleaning and sanitation service, delivering our partners improved value, and brand security.
There are 8 great reasons to choose BioGiene as your cleaning professionals.
Core Business focus
Designated Manager
Fully Auditable
Site Specific
- Food Factory Cleaning is our core business focus. We are specialists and highly experienced in industries such as:




Ready to Eat
2. All our clients have a Designated Manager, which ensures ownership and accountability for quality outcomes.
Your Designated Manager is your one point of contact for anything cleaning-related – reporting, issues, questions, compliments, complaints.
3. Our systems are fully auditable, so we comply with all necessary regulations, and can provide documentation to support your own audit requirements, and requests for information.
4. We use Site Specific Integrated Management Systems (Quality & WHS), meaning we tailor our processes for our client needs, and gather everything into a formal document, which is auditable.
5. We are certified in ISO Systems (Quality 9001:2015 & Safety 45001:2018).
6. Our Ethical and transparent recruitment & onboarding processes improve staff outcomes. We have recently passed a SMETA (Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit) conducted by Sedex, confirming our high standards of labour, health and safety, environment and business ethics.
7. Our size allows us increased buying power and better access to required chemicals, cleaning tools and skilled labour. We also maintain direct access to the latest technology and modern equipment solutions.
8. Our robust processes, transparent staffing and documented procedures will give you confidence in your cleaning outcome on a consistent basis.
Food Factory Cleaning is our core business focus.
We are specialists and highly experienced in industries such as:


Small Goods

Fresh Produce

Ready to Eat
All our clients have a Designated Manager, which ensures ownership and accountability for quality outcomes.
Your Designated Manager is your one point of contact for anything cleaning-related – reporting, issues, questions, compliments, complaints.
Our systems are fully auditable, so we comply with all necessary regulations, and can provide documentation to support your own audit requirements, and requests for information.
We use Site Specific Integrated Management Systems (Quality & WHS), meaning we tailor our processes for our client needs, and gather everything into a formal document, which is auditable.
We are certified in ISO Systems (Quality 9001:2015 & Safety 45001:2018).
Our Ethical and transparent recruitment & onboarding processes improve staff outcomes. We have recently passed a SMETA (Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit) conducted by Sedex, confirming our high standards of labour, health and safety, environment and business ethics.
Our size allows us increased buying power and better access to required chemicals, cleaning tools and skilled labour. We also maintain direct access to the latest technology and modern equipment solutions.
Our robust processes, transparent staffing and documented procedures will give you confidence in your cleaning outcome on a consistent basis.