Emergency Pathogen Control – Bacillus Cereus
Factory Clean
Targeting Bacillus Cereus
Contact our emergency cleaning team by emailing [email protected].
Bacillus cereus is a spore forming bacterium that produces toxins that cause vomiting or diarrhoea. Symptoms are generally mild and short-lived (up to 24 hours). B. cereus is commonly found in the environment (e.g. soil) as well as a variety of foods. Spores are able to survive harsh environments including normal cooking temperatures.
Role in Food Processing
Bacillus Cereus produces toxins and extra cellular products; lectithinase,proteases, beta – lactamase, sphingomyelinanase, cerolysin and haemolysin BL.
The diarrheagenic syndrome is produced by a combination of these.
This spore forming bacteria is causing an increasing number of cases of food poisoning mainly due to rice from take-away food premises.
A wide variety of foods including meats, milk, vegetables, and fish have been associated with the diarrhoea type Bacillus cereus food poisoning.
A large outbreak of food poisoning in Hungary was due to contaminated spices in meat products.

- pH: 4.7 – 9.2 Optimum 6.0 – 8.5
- Temperature: Minimum 5oC, Optimum Growth 37oC to 45oC
- Toxins produced between 6oC and 21oC

Found in intestinal tract of humans and other animals
Also found in soils, water, food, dust and spices

Check crates for biofilm, cleanliness, sanitation and rotation
Check hand washing – see S.Aureus
Pay particular attention to slaughter areas, evisceration and offal areas
Minimise cross contamination by enforcing colour coding, if relevant to your operation
Acid Wash – This should be used in all cases of Pathogen or high bacterial counts.
It removes scale, which is a base for biofilms.
It will aid removal of biofilms.
The acidic environment will at least inhibit, if not halt the growth of bacteria.
If followed by standard alkaline wash, the resultant pH shock will again kill off most bacteria, and at least severely inhibit growth.
The alternative sanitizer (prescribed as part of acid wash), will at least inhibit, if not halt the growth of bacteria.
Movement of staff and materials between slaughter and other departments.
Monitor crates and lugs with extra swabbing.
Review production facility swab results
Modern Food Microbiology
Staph. Aureus – for hand washing guide.